Probably voted the worlds most infamous handbag, the Hermes Birkin bag is known and lusted by us all. It was named after the British actress and singer Jane Birkin in 1981.

Hermès's then-chief executive Jean-Louis Dumas was on a flight to London with Jane and had sketched out a handbag design on an Air France sick bag.

Jane had commented on the design, saying that she needed a bag with pockets. Her wish was granted and Jean-Louis turned her handbag needs into a symbol for luxury now recognised all over the world.

For use of her name, Jane still receives around £30,000 a year From Hermes in royalties, most of which she donates to charity.

The brand has gone from strength to strength, and over the last 10 years, the value of the Birkin bag has risen by an average of 8 per cent a year!

I think I’ll be waiting a lifetime (and then some) to be able to afford one! But for a designer style bag I can afford, I always have my favourite picks at A-SHU!

By Anna Riad - Fashion Writer for A-SHU.CO.UK.

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