If you’re looking for a quick update to your wardrobe then an instant fashion fix is without doubt getting yourself a new handbag. Satchel bags, large shopper tote bags and over-sized clutch bags are our favourites. Not only have these bag styles strutted their stuff on the catwalks this season but they have also constantly been seen on so many celebrities over the past few months, and, considering they are mostly all practical and stylish who can blame them?!.

Take for example Selena Gomez. She is always papped seen with an oversized tote handbag; whether it’s her Michael Kors bag or a quilted Versace, the US teen star is always seen with a tote or a satchel bag - and she looks fab.

Aside from these styles, we also love the ‘bucket’ style handbag this season. Its easy-going shape gives a nod to Boho style and are great for a laid back look. These make for good weekend bags, but not necessarily the most practical for work or study during the week.

If you are after something more refined, a tote handbag is the way to go. Take your look from comfy to cookie with an over-sized tote. Look for colour if you need to inject something bold into your wardrobe; a royal blue or dark green looks great at this time of the year. Or be bold and opt for red - hey, its worked for Cheryl Cole who has been spotted several times with her large red over-sized tote bag this month.

If you want a city chic look then a satchel bag is a great option. They are everywhere right now and if you don’t own one then what are you doing! Celebs like Zoe Saldana, Gwen Stefani and Taylor Swift never seem to leave home without their satchel and it instantly gives off a pretty, polished vibe. This style of handbag is great because it is still pretty roomy and generally you will find it’s the perfect size of bag. Opt for a colour-block version for some uniqueness, or grab black which is still bang on trend.

Whatever your style we are sure we have the perfect arm candy for you. Take a peek at our collection of womens fashion handbags - all, with mini price tags!

By Monica Day - Fashion Blogger for A-SHU.CO.UK.

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